

Energy / Industrial Mechatronics / Mechanical Manufacturing

Somorrostro Training Center is an Educational Center belonging to the Diocese of Bilbao. Our educational activity is aimed at students over 12 years old, both in the field of formal education and in training for employment, with special dedication to the most vulnerable people. Our educational offer aims to respond to the expectations of students, their families and social and business environment, offering a comprehensive training. Our work is to favor their insertion in the labor world, with the highest possible qualification, or the continuation in further studies through a personalized teaching, adapted to the characteristics of the students.

Somorrostro’s areas of knowledge are the following:

  • Industrial Automation and electrical machines
  • Industrial Design
  • Industrial Mechatronics
  • Energy
  • Manufacturing
  • Administration and finance
  • Telecommunications and electrical installations


Domingo Fernández

+34 946 706 045 / 605 778 925