Iurreta 2L


Administration and finance / Automotive / Electronic maintenance / Production programming / Application development

Iurreta LHII aims at continuous improvement. In this sense, after four years of training within SAREKA, it obtained the ISO-UNE 9001:2000 certification in the academic year 2002-2003, and in 2005 the Silver Q of the EFQM foundation (European Foundation for Quality Management).

Within this continuous improvement plan, Euskara Kontseilua awarded our school the Bai Euskarari “Lana eta Zerbitzua euskaraz” certification for the development of the language standardization project.

In addition to these remarkable advances, the Iurreta LHII school offers the following services: within the ERASMUS+ project, the possibility for students to carry out workplace training abroad, the project to carry out exchanges with other institutes of the European Union, courses aimed at workers on demand, the guidance and assistance service for students seeking employment (LANBIDE), the relationship established with local companies, OSALAN courses, Partial Offer, assessment consultancy and competence certification …..

All this shows, therefore, that Iurreta LHII is a safe and quality choice for the human and professional training of those who decide to opt for our educational offer.

Iurreta LHII celebrated its 25th anniversary in the academic year 2002/2003. During all these years, it has managed to become a reference center of Duranguesado and other nearby regions, and has been a pioneer in terms of renovation of its facilities.