Maristak Zalla_logoa


Electronics & Electrical / Welding & Boilermaking / Cold & Heat / Energy Efficiency & Solar Energy

Maristak Zalla is a state-subsidised vocational training centre that offers high-quality technical education in various areas. Our educational offer ranges from basic vocational training in Electronics and Electricity, to intermediate degrees in Welding and Boilermaking, and in Cold and Heat, as well as a higher degree in Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy.

We focus our teaching on practical training, providing our students with the necessary skills to face the challenges of the industrial and energy sector. We are committed to sustainability and technological innovation, preparing our students for a future where renewable energies and energy efficiency play a fundamental role.

The innovation strategy is part of our philosophy, and so we have implemented collaborative learning methodologies based on challenges.

We also provide Training for Employment consisting of Certificates of Professionalism subsidized by Lanbide and à la carte courses requested by public institutions and companies in the sector.

We have modern facilities and advanced equipment, which allows practical learning adapted to the needs of the labor market. In addition, we support the employment of our students and promote entrepreneurship through specific services.

For more information, contact us:

+34 946 390 029