ADEGI - Agenda

Association of companies of Gipuzkoa

ADEGI is the Association of Companies of Gipuzkoa, a private association with more than 35 years of history in the promotion of business activity.

To this end, it represents companies before institutions and social partners, offers advisory and training services to companies, and constitutes a powerful network of collaboration between them.

AFM cluster - Agenda

Organisation that represents the interests of Advanced Manufacturing in Spain

Comprised of four industrial associations, it groups together almost 500 companies, which employ more than 16,500 people and bill more than 3.0 billion Euros. From its headquarters in San Sebastian, and its establishment in Tianjin (China), AFM CLUSTER works to promote internationalisation, industrial development, strategic positioning and employee training in its associated companies.

BEC - Agenda

Bilbao Exhibition Centre

Fairground that has six exhibition halls, a VIP pavilion, a congress centre, 6,500 m² dedicated to offices and a large atrium. Underground parking for 4,000 vehicles. Various national and international fairs are held, highlighting the Ferroforma contests, the Machine Tool Biennial and the Euskal Encounter.

BIOEF - Agenda

Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research

Created by the Department of Health of the Basque Government to promote innovation and research in the health system of the Basque Country.

CEBEK - Agenda

Association of companies of Bizkaia

The Business Confederation of Bizkaia – Bizkaiko Enpresarien Konfederazioa (CEBEK), is the business organization of the territory constituted as a non-profit entity, of voluntary adhesion and integrated by federations, associations and companies, whose mission is the representation and defense of the interests of our associates before society and public and private institutions, which affect or affect the activity of those who compose it,  always seeking to improve the competitiveness of companies.

GARAPEN - Agenda

Basque Association of Development Agencies

Professional association that intends to bring together development agencies constituted by local institutions in the Basque Country.

IHOBE - Agenda

Public Society for Environmental Management of the Basque Government

It works in the environmental fields of climate change, ecodesign, sustainable building, green public procurement, biodiversity, contaminated soils, circular economy, waste, ...


Basque Innovation Agency

The promotion of innovation in the Basque Country.

Private non-profit association of public utility, which today brings together about 1,000 partner organizations forming a public-private partnership.

PARKE - Agenda

Network of Technology Parks of the Basque Country

Technological-business ecosystem 

with more than 580 entities from the main industrial sectors: Aeronautical-Aerospace, Biosciences, Energy, Advanced Manufacturing and ICT.

A clear benchmark as the main catalyst for innovation and technological development in Southern Europe.

SIE.SEA - Agenda

Araba Employers' Union

Non-profit business association, which defends and represents the interests of the Alava business community before different Institutions and Organizations.

SPRI - Agenda

Industrial Promotion and Reconversion Society

Entity of the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government that promotes the Basque industry.

Basque business development agency.
Agenda of events and training of the SPRI Group for the Basque company:
digital marketing, industry 4.0, TEICs, internationalization, cybersecurity, innovation...

SPRI Empresa DIGITAL - Agenda

Professional development in digital skills

Initiative for the business and professional field of small and medium-sized enterprises, within the framework of the Strategy for the Digital Transformation of euskadi 2025 of the Basque Government, the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, in collaboration with the Provincial Councils and other institutions.

It promotes the improvement of business competitiveness through the use of new information and communication technologies, while seeking to contribute to the development of new businesses on the Network through training and support for professionals in the new economy as a differential factor of economic growth.


Centre for research and technological development

TECNALIA is the largest centre of applied research and technological development in Spain, a benchmark in Europe and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance.

We collaborate with companies and institutions to improve their competitiveness, people’s quality of life and achieve sustainable growth. We do it thanks to people who are passionate about technology and committed to building a better society.


Industrial technology center

Specialized in Advanced Manufacturing, Surface Engineering, Product Engineering and ICT for manufacturing. Its mission is to provide growth and well-being through R+D+i to society as a whole, contributing in a sustainable way to the competitiveness of the business fabric.

TKNIKA - Agenda

Centre for Innovation in Vocational Training in the Basque Country

Promoted by the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training of the Department of Education of the Basque Government, whose fundamental axes are research and innovation applied in vocational training. It works every day with the aim of placing VET in the Basque Country at the forefront of Europe.


Calls for aid for companies.


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