In this article we offer you very interesting information about the AIRinVET project, useful for VET centres to evaluate and improve their commitment to innovation together with the small and medium-sized companies in the area.
What is AIRinVET?
AIRinVET is a European project that aims to boost the green and digital transition through the promotion of applied innovation and research (AIR) in vocational education and training (VET), and to strengthen the connection with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), contributing to European economic development and competitiveness.
The 2-year EU-funded project started in January 2023 and has just ended in December 2024, having achieved its objectives.
Video of the project:
The project brings together a diverse group of partners, each with their own unique motivations, experience and perspectives, but aligned with the common goal of the project.
Tknika has taken an active part in the project together with other institutions from the Basque Country and Europe.

Research in VET?
Traditionally, research has mainly been associated with universities and higher education institutions. However, the value of applied and innovative research (AR) in vocational education and training (VET) should not be overlooked.
Many professional activities, such as the creation of various metals or the development of prototypes based on new ideas, constitute research, even if they have not always been recognised as such.
This type of research is of enormous value not only for the sectors and companies involved, but also for society as a whole, especially in driving the green and digital transition.
This is why the AIRinVET project strives to shed light on this type of applied research, as we require collaboration between VET schools and SMEs to share and disseminate new innovations and knowledge. By working closely together on applied and innovative research, VET institutions and SMEs will be more than the sum of their parts.

Methodology of work
The project partners have proposed different dynamics and have emphasised:
Identifying the VET centres involved in applied research
Through field work, contact has been made with the training centres that use applied innovation as a working tool. Likewise, those that do not use it are informed about its benefits and are invited to take part in it through the applications developed in the AIRinVET project.
Conduct case studies of success stories that meet the project specifications
From interviews with various European organisations, cases of successful collaboration between VET institutions and companies to solve real problems have been identified. These are a clear reference to what we want to promote and serve as a model to develop new collaborations with other educational centres and companies.
Developing tools to facilitate applied innovation and research
These are tools that help both VET centres and SMEs to know the state of their organisation on the subject, as well as to promote the implementation of applied research projects.
Collaborating with regional innovation actors
In addition, it is not only necessary to update knowledge and new technologies, but also to be in close contact with the environment, through educational agents, industrial representatives, communities and specific organisations. This creates synergies to build a brighter future for research and development.

What does it give us?
Several resources are available on the AIRinVET website as a result of the work carried out:
Decision tree
Network map
Reference framework
Self-assessment tool
Decision tree
The aim of the decision tree is to identify the different ways in which Applied Innovation and Research can be integrated into Vocational Education and Training.
Thus, for small and medium-sized enterprises, we outline different options based on the amount of resources available to the SME.
Furthermore, it simplifies the decision-making process and explores practical approaches to improve education through Applied Research and Innovation in VET.
The following figure shows the complete flow of the decision tree:

Now, the way to operate is done with 2 mouse clicks and consists of choosing the amount of resources the company has (3 options) and selecting the reason for collaboration required (9 options). This will result in a recommendation.
For example, in the figure below we have selected firstly few resources, and secondly to improve my current products, services or work processes.
The application as a result suggests giving a project task to a team of students/teachers, together with a number of practical examples developed:

Network map
Curious about which higher education institutions (and other organisations) are already involved in research and innovation activities?
Please have a look at the network map!

Reference framework
When a VET institution wants to initiate, evaluate or improve its Research and Innovation capabilities, there are many elements to be taken into account. In order to have a common reference and gain some oversight, the AIRinVET framework has been developed.
It is a dynamic and integrative guide with a flexible structure adaptable to various challenges, such as policy environments, local conditions and institutional needs. As there are many elements to consider when a VET institution wishes to initiate or expand its R&I activities, it can be a complex process to obtain an overview of its own current state. Therefore, in this Framework, all elements are grouped by relevant areas distributed in four dimensions:
Impact: covers the main objectives of carrying out R&I activities and the desired impact.
Activities: provides an overview of the activities and functions of the VET institution, which are relevant to the R&I activities.
R&I: allows the VET institution to elaborate on the R&I activities it would like to be involved in (e.g. different research methods and the different forms that research results can take, such as prototypes, articles, proofs of concept, etc.).
Governance: focuses on how to organise R&I activities, how to finance them and cooperation with partners.
This Framework has been published in a report, which can be found in the image link below, and is available in different languages:
Self-assessment tool
It is designed to assess each VET institution’s own research and innovation capabilities based on its characteristics, needs and aspirations.
Once completed, the tool provides customised recommendations through an accessible and actionable roadmap, enabling VET institutions to improve their impact on the environment and embed applied innovation in their organisations using the AIRinVET framework.
Whether you are just starting your research and innovation journey or looking to scale up your existing initiatives, this tool provides a clear and actionable starting point, allowing you to design your own approach after self-reflection.
The AIRinVET Framework > Self-evaluation > Roadmap, tools
In the self-assessment tool VET institutions can rate each section from ‘Not relevant’ to ‘Advanced’.
It provides a total of 64 items to be evaluated in the four groups indicated above: Impact, Activities, R&I and Governance.
Once completed, the tool provides general recommendations and resources to guide towards possible areas for improvement.
The tool is available on the AIRinVET website for free use, and to start it we have to click on the START THE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL button:
We will then be asked for our e-mail address and we will click on send.

Finally, to start using the tool we have to access via the link sent to our email.
Now it is convenient to take into account the following:
Start anywhere
You can start with any dimension or area that you consider most relevant to your organisation. The tool is flexible: no order is required and you can concentrate on what matters most to you at the moment.

Rate the items
Review the instructions provided within each dimension. Rate only those that you consider relevant to your situation and context.

Gain insights
As you score the items, the tool generates information about your organisation’s readiness and opportunities for growth in I&I.
Download your customised report
Once you have completed the assessment, simply click on the ‘Download Report’ button located at the bottom of the window. The tool will compile your scores into a report tailored to your answers. This report links to specific recommendations from the AIRinVET roadmap, providing practical steps to strengthen your research and innovation efforts.

To facilitate the identification of applied and innovative research activities, a glossary has been compiled containing the terminology used to describe applied and innovative research within VET. If you are curious about the terminology used, you can explore the Glossary by clicking on the image:
Newsletter and link to AIRinVET
Join AIRinVET to enter the world of applied research in Vocational Education and Training, and discover the benefits of collaboration between your school and surrounding companies.
If you want to be updated about the project, the results and the AIRinVET web pages, subscribe to the newsletter.
The link below will take you to the AIRinVET website, where you can browse through the above and see more interesting information about the project.