Andra Mari 2L


Digitalization and Connectivity / Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing

The AndraMari FP centre is located in Galdakao (Bizkaia). It belongs to the public education network and is associated with IKASLAN BIZKAIA, the largest group of public centres providing vocational training in Bizkaia.

Technological and methodological changes occur at great speed and our center wants to be prepared. We participate in innovation projects because of our commitment to our students and business environment to meet their current and future training needs.

Here are some of our goals:

      • Collaborate with companies to develop innovation projects.
      • Promote activities aimed at entrepreneurship.
      • Train teachers in active-collaborative methodologies.
      • Promote good environmental practices.
      • Promote equal opportunities.
      • Promote the international mobility of students and teachers.
      • Participate in international programs.

As a result of the effort of these years we have been able to adapt to the changes that have occurred in the educational world and in the productive world, such as methodological changes, industrial digitalization, the active use of social networks in many forms of communication and collaboration,…

Thus, we participate in activities and projects that promote our center to be in continuous movement: the BigData world, Virtual/Augmented Reality, virtual learning platforms, activities to promote equality and the environment, ISO Quality Management certification system, active-collaborative learning models (Ethazi model, high performance cycles), intelligent systems in homes, computer security, 3D printing and design, robotic arms,…

The main areas in which we develop projects are the following:

      • Digitalization and Connectivity

It includes advice and proposals for improvement in the implementation and start-up of storage and communication management systems and in everything related to the network infrastructure and connectivity of the company.

We help develop the company’s strategic cybersecurity plan.

We help to know the Blokchain technology

      • Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing

The growing demand and evolution of manufacturing processes together with the integration of new Industry 4.0 technologies in the market, with Additive Manufacturing as one of the fundamental pillars, provide the machine tool industry and its users with a wide range of design and production possibilities.

+34 944 56 27 20