

Automotive / Chemical / Mechatronics / Electronics / Electronics / Food industry

When the TkGune program began, from CIFP Don Bosco LHII we understood that it was a very good way to connect with the companies in our environment. In the VET centers we have material and human resources unknown to our business network, and it can be exploited with TkGune projects and strengthen ties. We have long considered VET centers as trainers of skilled labor, but in the centers we know that we are more than that.

At first we worked in the automotive field, but little by little we have been incorporating new departments into this philosophy.

Don Bosco’s areas of specialization or expertise are:

  • Automotive
  • Chemistry
  • Mechatronics
  • Electronics and Telecommunications
  • Cold, heat and energy
  • 3D Printing (ikasLab)
  • Composites (Carbon Fiber)
  • Mechanical Competence (DBK)
  • 5S

The main advantages of faculty collaboration with companies in projects are many, but we should put special emphasis on the updating of the faculty and the consequent benefit of the transfer in the training of our students and in the companies.


+34 943 510 450