- Duration: 8 months
- Year: 2020
- Participants: Nazaret fundazioa
- Sector: Energy and Environment
Project objectives
The objective of the Tkgune digitalization project developed by Nazareth was to create, integrate, share and disseminate the fruit of cooperation work both to the members of the network and to other organizations related to vocational training.
Tasks performed
- Analysis of the type of documentation to be shared, analysis of the environment, context and competition. Search for inspiration and references.
- Planning of the website based on the objective and target audience to be reached, the contents, themes, formats to share, etc.
- Availability of registered hosting and domain.
- Site architecture and content: selection of content to appear and how it will appear.
- Web design: search for the most suitable template, fonts, colors, images, titles, design of graphic resources, etc.
- Update and maintenance of templates and plugins.
- Indexing of analytics managers and helps SEO positioning.
- Mailchimp template design that allows the dissemination of the works and projects carried out.
- Creation of video tutorial as a user manual so that the client once delivered the material is autonomous for updating and is able to feed it with new content.